Last week I entered a giveaway over at kawaiicph. I was feeling rather down (as you may have guessed after reading all that gloomy entries I've written here) and was searching for new inspiration. As I mentioned in my breakfast post, I was especially interested in danish bloggers. It was really lots of fun having a look into the lives of such easy-going, nature loving and style setting northlanders.
I have been so absorbed with Japan and Japanese style ideas that I somehow forgot about Europe being an assembly of very stylish countries itself. Three times I've flown to Tokyo via Copenhagen (with the famous SAS) and always loved the airport. It's my favorite airport out there as Frankfurt is a catastrophe in architecture and easy path finding and Narita somewhat soulless. But Copenhagen airport has something special! Last weekend I actually ended up planning a short trip to Copenhagen. Well, wouldn't it be lovely? But - same problem as described in the photograph post - my luxuries these days are called food and a place to sleep. *sigh*
Well, Henriette is an architect "with a passion for cute things" that make her smile! I loved her page instantly, not only for the wise usage of a certain Japanese word most people love, but also because of the photographs depicting her surroundings (hello denmark!) and family (cute kids!). Henriette is also making her own jewellery and had asked the giveaway participants what piece they liked most. I instantly fell in love with the star necklace, wrote that and surprisingly won it!!
Today the little, cute package reached me and I took some pictures (see above). I totally loved the paper crane card and the pink wrapping paper! The star is bigger than I thought and the necklace is very long. I really love it and wore it, when I went shopping! Thank you Henriette!